Yes ! After that almost 500 years of wait.. finally, my album is out !! Actually not much mood to write about it today. May be PMS.. anyway. I gotta be responsible to my readers maaaaa ( Cheh waa, like some best selling writer pulak)
Ok.. in a nutshell, I am satisfied. I can still find some faults but aii.. close one eye.. also happier lar me. I did one mistake of choosing one of the photos. And ppl tell me I look matured and not so nice in that photo. That is my only regret.
Still recall my colleague's comment. Him: "Hmmm.. very beautiful... waaaa" Me: ** Smirk Him: "Waaaa.. so nice.. the smile so sweet hoh.. " Me: ** Smirk somemore Him:"But, look so different from you. The Sming in the photo much much much more beautiful!!" Immediately the curve on my lips went the other way round !
Sien. Means I am not beautiful without the make up lar! Means that I must always ICI my face lar !! I know that is the truth.. but no need to tell the truth and only the truth one maa.. This is not making police statement what. Lie abit won't die lar. :@
*sulk *sulk *sulk *sulk *sulk *sulk *sulk *sulk
Anyway, don't care lar. I keep for few more decades, my grandchildren wouldn't know the 'truth'. They will just go and tell their friends that 'my ah ma is sui cha bor!!!!!' Ha ha ha !!
haha. Thanks Johnson. That is a positive way to look at it huh !