Again I wasn't been very prompt on updating my blog.. Did a draft but then was too occupied with my photos to continue.
Anyway, the title is what I feel right after the wedding.
The wedding ceremony,wedding dinner part 1 and part 2 is done. It is like it is over in a flash...
After that it was relief. Oooo.. it was finally over !! Thinking back, overall I was glad how my wedding came out to.
The morning tea ceremony was fun not to mention warm and touching... But zhi mui came really early to prepare for the heng dais.. haha.. I hope they had fun coz from the video I saw the heng dais...were.. well... a bit too ganas to me lor.. hahhah
Well the best part was tht my grandma of 97 years old managed to come....Thanks to Aunty Yoke...
It was a very touching moment to all of us. Espescially when few months ago, we almost lost her...
When I kneeled and offer her the tea, she was shaking, overwhelmed with emotions. My mom and I was near to tears and my Aunty Yoke, was already weeping.
It was a very simple ceremony but very much full with love and happiness. :)
I felt the dinner went out quite well... of coz with some normal hiccups and so. But overall, we were very happy about it. But of course, there were complains about the food and service. I felt bad but I guess these things happened. Anyway, at least I realised something that is REAL friends won't complain, coz the main reason for them to be there is not the food, but you...
The dinner in Penang was a typical chinese wedding dinner at a chinese restaurant. Also chosen by my in- laws. I have to be really grateful that my mom was very understanding as she wanted it in a hotel... At least, my husband and I won't be caught in between.
Anyway it was more of our parents' party.. Hahha.. Imagine for 35 tables only 1 table is my guests and 0 is Eugene's.. hahhaa.. we are down to 1-0 ... Like some football scores huh !!!
Being a Leo, I enjoyed the lime light alot. :P
I have the feeling like I am a super star (dreaming).. Well, it is like once I am done with my make up and I go out to meet the guests... everyone whom I know and will come over and greet me and say how beautiful I am.. everyone who don't know me will look and look .... Small young girls are 'fascinated' the whole bride thingy.... Imagine that in Penang, there were two young girls who came up and asked if they can shake hand with me and then left in a car....It is like they asked the parents to stop the car and came in to shake hand with me...
And cameras are all pointing at you.. you smile at this camera, then you smile at the other one..and another .... I love taking I enjoyed it !! hahahaha
Everyone is happy for you, congratulating you, wishing all the best, giving us pressure to have full moon party next year... aii... 0-<-<.jpg)
I am glad to say when I think back, it is more of happy memories on my wedding... and am glad the entire headache during the planning period is over... ( make that VERY glad)...
As I said, not everything was up to my standard or expectations. But I decided not to think about it. It was over and I couldn't do anything about it. So why dwell on it right???
To those who are getting married or preparing to get married, just remember that Murphy Law applies...Mother in law rules !!
So chill out, dun be too hard on yourself, enjoy the process and be happy !!!
a closing of one chapter and a new and interesting beginning to another. :)