I was down with food poisoning over the weekend and was recuperating at home yesterday so I had time to actually READ the newspaper. (Else, normally, I just "read" the comics section :P). I was shocked, sadden and angered to learn that 13 dogs were shot. And I am so darn pissed off with some stewpigs that actually SUPPORTED that devilish and inhumane act. Like this stewpig and this stewpig. I am DISGUSTED !!!!
Those actions are not justified!!.. What do you mean to be fair ? I am not siding the owner. Of coz he is wrong. BUT, to me, he is some compassionate pet lover who went overboard. Man, I can just imagine the yelping of the dogs. It is so pitiful. :(
I am glad that there are people who spoke up and condemn this cruel act. At least, there are still some sane and compassionate Malaysians. And I totally agree with them, there could have been better ways to handle to situation. Shooting the dogs should have been the last option.
To me, this is nothing different than cold-blooded MURDER.