Saturday, November 24, 2007 |
Updates.. UPDATES !!! |
For awhile, I thought I would be abandoning this blog for good.. Haha
But, now at home on a hot Saturday morning with Kenny G playing the sax on the CD player, I just feel like writing.... again.....
Well, hehe... this took some time for me to share the news huh.... As my last post, I was sick... make that VERY sick..... reason due to morning sickness... :) Yeah !! Ah loong siu and me are expecting !! and Baby Loong coming soon !!!!
Nope, it was not planned... Yes ,it was an accident.. and YES!! It happened so fast !!!!
I was not prepared.. And with my hormones raging, that month was really a roller coaster of emotions for me... But now, feeling the baby moving in me, I am just ......wordless... Happy, elation doesn't describe it May be in awe.... Ah loong siu is on cloud 9 and very much looking forward to the baby.... which I guess helped me a lot on my 'forced' journey into motherhood.. :)
Anyway, other than the first month when we found out, baby has been really good... Morning sickness stopped completely before our honeymoon.... ( see ... pregnant d baru go honey moon.... mymom also pengsan with me) So, we had a good two weeks in Italy.. only have to eat more often... other than that, eat, sleep, walk, take boat, take train also mou man tai !! :) only felt nauseous on two occasion when travel time was more than 10 hours.. otherwise, I am grateful !!!! In my oh so bad planning, at least did not spoil my honeymoon.. only thing is that I look abit plump, tired and aunty in the photos.. oh well... can't ask for too much huh.....
I am now in my 5 months.. second trimester... Still in a daze what to prepare... maternity clothes also tak cukup...waiting for the sales... Can't see the baby's sex yet.. coz twice we scanned, baby loong hiding.. aii..I also bo lat d... |
posted by sming @ 11:17 AM  |