Thursday, March 30, 2006 |
All Girls Outing- 25-26 March 2006 |
This is one fine weekend when four girls embark on a journey to an unexplored paradise at far faraway land…..
We went to……. Port Dickson ( haha.. got some suspense leh?). The paradise ? Avillion. That is true paradise….
Started the day quite well, except Lorena was abit pik chik becasuse of something we did not do when we should have done and said things that we should not have said.. hahaha. But FY and I survived the journey with threats of having to walk or take bus to PD. :P
 Managed to get to our first stop without much hassle (I think that is why we were still on the car… hahaha) Lukut Ah Kau LA JA MIEN !!! (Means Dirty mee by this Ah Kau.. )
It is a bowl of soup with everything inside, prawn la, fishball la, fish la, vege la, meat la, meat ball la etc… Then, we side-ordered some dried mee and fried mee to go with it. It was homemade mee. Mee was so –so.. The main soup was very homely type of soup. Nothing to shout about but we still enjoyed the meal.
Reached our paradise at about 2pm.Immediately we started off with our shooting spree . Praise those who invented digital cameras !! Everything under the sun did not escaped our camera lens. The pool, the sea, the sunbathing ang mohs (sorry no nude ones), the hotel building. the hotel landscape, uncle playing kompang, the plants, our portraits, our feet, the bed, the bathtub, bath area, sink, toilet bowl… (oh.. I think we missed that one )… Anyway, there were always pictures taken in between our activities (4 cameras, 500+ photos- 2D1N stay)
Anyway, we hang out in the room and then went for a dip in the Jacuzzi area; squeezing wit h some aunty in that small area. Kiasu mah… After hair spa treatment in the sauna/ steam and 1 hour of getting ready, we were off to enjoy our sumptuous seafood dinner. Crabs, prawns, bamboo clams (BIG FAT ONES)…man!!
I came back with a headache, sprained foot- don’t ask me how I sprained it. I don’t know. I was just walking and may be I ‘landed’ wrongly. So, I was dozing off while our dearest Lorena and FY were slogging off in the bath room peeling grapes. I think we had 1 Kg of grapes? Man, bless them!
Well, it was about 12.45 am, when four of us, in our identical Siemens Run T-shirt (me still with a bit of headache and very much sprained foot), took a walk to the beach and had beer. What were we doing there? I don’t know actually, I think I was too high or blur. Other than girls’ talk, FY was doing her Tai chi; Lorena, Soo and I were drinking beer and taking photos of our shadows… Anyway, that got Soo and Lorena satisfied and we called it a night.
Next morning... to hell our swimming plans or Lorena's 7am beach jog! We slept till 11 am that was also because our early bird Lorena woke us up. Having a cuppa coffee and bread (Thanks FY…) on the deck with sea view was just mmmmm… relaxing…
Anyway, my short concentration span is running low d. I will conclude this entry…
We tried sirih for the first time (at least for me). Spitting out the sirih was the best part of the whole thing. I couldn't enjoy the taste and it stays in the mouth for sometime. Hopefully, i got whiter teeth now.. All of us did tried except for Lorena- so I guess that earned her the title Miss Most Unadventurous. HahaThen, we all tried playing the Malay instruments too.. :) Not out of curiosity, but just to take photos..
Most of all we have a new Piggy Queen. FY stepped down and passed the title to our Miss Piggy Queen Year 06/07…. It is… (drumroll please …) SOO !!!!!!!! Well, her performance did impressed all of us. The decision was unanimous and quick.
Anyway, we ended our trip with another round of beer. Ooops becoming alcoholic !
posted by sming @ 11:17 AM  |
Tuesday, March 28, 2006 |
"Model" Pictures |
Finally got to see my pictures. It was last Thursday ( yeap, postponed from Tuesday).Well.. had not wrote about it immediately coz I guess the excitement had ran thin. Overall, the pictures did not really meet my expectations. There are some that was really nice, some ok, some just make me look plain fat. (Note: MAKE.. means I am not fat in real life :P) There is one hairdo that I thought would look really ugly.. but it came out refreshing with quite a few nice shots..
Then, the lady was asking me to develop one to 16R.. Man.. really think I am model meh ?? I said no. She pushed on and ask me to develop 14R.. RM280.. duh.. If my mom don't kill me, I think my bf will... hahaha What for hang such a big picture of myself ler... Then everyone come gushing at that photo... Until I am not sure if it is really that beautiful or just some push-sell gimmick.. Well, there was this blue dress one that I thought would be really nice with full body photos. End up me looking fat so I just chose the headshots which is nice.There is one background themed as Greece, I really like the background. Was thinking to have more full body pictures.. But end up only two and the pictures are so-so. Only can collect the pictures next month. Man, so long.. I also sien already.Anyway, I still have abit of confidence that after the 'packaging' the album should come out good. May be I am just plain yim chim (picky)... |
posted by sming @ 11:06 AM  |
Friday, March 24, 2006 |
Man of My Dreams |
Two nights ago, I had a real funny dream. Andy Lau was actually dating me.. HAHAHAHA.. yeah.. laugh first. I woke up laughing too. But, the whole thing about the dream that was so romantic was that he actually offering me $$ after knowing that I am going on a trip to China (No, I am not going to China in realilty).It goes something like this.
" Hey darling, you would be leaving for China soon. Need some extra allowance? Here, take this. Buy some branded bags and shoes."
Obviously taken aback and still not blinded by greed, yours truly answered," Err, no. I am fine..Thanks..."
And that generous man of my dreams insisted," You sure ? Take this credit card and go. Spend as you wish."
Man, that was the most romantic thing I can remember from the dream. I was swooning with my friends. Then, it hit me.
More than 10 years ago, in high school, I would be the one standing on the table, announcing to my friends," I want a romantic husband. Romance must go on till I die. I want to hold hands with my husband and walk the beach with him even I am 60 years old ! "
5 years ago, I was the one sitting on my chair telling my closest girlfriends," Mmm.. I want a love, passion and romance in my marriage. Keep the fire burning. I want my husband and I to hold hands and walk along the beach till we are old. BUT, financial stability is important too. Anyway, he doesn't need to be rich now. Just need to have the POTENTIAL to earn lots of money!!"
Here today, I am sitting in front of a PC, heart fluttering because some middle-age TV icon offered me cash and credit card for a trip IN MY DREAMS.
Irony or plain reality ?? Had my requirements changed ? That I just need a filthy rich provider in terms of $$? Aww.. It must be all the stress of my house, my trips and plans of getting new car.
Anyway, man of my dreams did some really smooth dance moves and sang for me in the dream. Winking at me from the dance floor. That melted me away too. Well, may be other than being realistic or even materialistic, I still have the romantic streak in me. :Þ
posted by sming @ 8:52 AM  |
Monday, March 20, 2006 |
River of Life |
Finally decided on my blog's name. River of life.. (For those who din notice or was not aware of my previous blog name, the name was Ming's place to 8- why 8 coz I am a 8 person and my fav # is 8 .. my birthday has 3 digits that is number 8 ler... hehehe)
When we are on a boat in a river.. we can see things a little behind us (or at least remember what we saw) and up to an extent of the view in front of us; and we can see things on the banks of the both side. That is how when we are living our life. Past, future, present...
But, viewing the river from an aerial view, we can see how the river started, where it ends, where the water is calm, where there are rapids, where there are rocks, where there are bushes on the banks or a vast green land .. we see everything ! We see the life of the river.. just as our life.
Well, when would we be able to see the river of our life ? May be when we die? Am not sure but I am not going into that. That's too depressing.
Anyway, I was thinking if I am diligent enough to post entries to my blog as long as I can, I believe my family, my friends or even strangers would have an aerial view of my river.. (only thing it starts at age of 27+ unless I start writing about my past.. See my mood first la.)
So there, this is what I have to offer.. the river of my life...
ps. This idea was from one of the books I read long ago. I am not taking credit for it, so don't sue me !! Hehehe |
posted by sming @ 1:28 PM  |
Wednesday, March 15, 2006 |
Model for a Day |
This is a story of a young girl who suddenly received a calling from above to pay a few hundred ringgit to get a personal album. (Ok ok.. I am not a young girl and there is no calling from above. It was plain vanity !) I have been toying the idea for sometime. Years actually. ( I did take one when I was a teenager but that was too childish- I need a pro !). When I discuss the idea with people around me, I get different reactions; some were neutral; some were supportive; some wants to do the same thing but...; some just out-right objected it.
I know I have a blinking light on my financial book with the trips planned this year and a house to be furnished. But, I keep thinking about my age. 28 years old. Two more years, I am no longer in my twenties. I am already an aging woman!! It does panicked me. It is like my years of glory is coming to an end. I just want to be able to hold the pictures and mumble through my toothless mouth to my grandchildren, " Hey, your ah ma was young before; see, she was beautiful, that is why your ah gong went crazy all over her!!" (ok, everyone is entitled to have self dignity -so give face yeah)
I did my budget planning and I gave myself all the justifications (or some people would think it as excuses) I can think of, ie. I don't spend hundreds perming or straightening my hair, I am still using a non colour screen Nokia phone ( yeah, it is going to the handphone museum soon), I don't spend hundreds buying classy handbags etc etc.
So, in a nutshell, I made a decision and went for the session. Also, here I should give credit to my beloved boyfriend. Even though he wasn't really keen about it, he did respect my decision and supported me by partially sponsoring me. hehe.. Love ya !
How did it go ?? Well, it was a tiring experience. It took more than 8 hours for make up, changing and photographing session. Just four outfits !! Man, I cannot imagine those who get 8 outfits for their wedding package. Actually the most of the time was wasted coz I gotta wait for the photographer and the make-up sifu in between. What to do, the studio is so famous that almost everyday is full !
And yeah, I almost regretted going for it. I was actually thinking of scraping my wedding photos. But that was just a sudden thought, I am still going for it. So somebody, don't be so happy yet !!
Service wasn't that good. The makeup sifu sort of have an attitude. But if i have to work 10 hours 6 days a week with only 8 days annual leave and total of 5 public holidays a year, I think I would go cuckoo too. hehe.. Anyway, I tai yan yau tai leong, I forgive her la. Yeah, though she almost shaved off half of my left eyebrow.
The best part was the photographing sessions. I enjoyed every bit. I like the photographers and how they interact with me. what I love most is every other shot they will shower me with praises. "GOOOOOOOOD..." "This is a really pretty shot" .."Yes, that is beautiful !" " Wow, that is a sexy pout" "Yes, stand up straight, exaggerate your curves,yes, correct. wa, just like a ferrari ! "
Ok, for those who are not vomitting or done vomitting, tell me, who won't fly with the praises ? And yes, it made me feel good and like a model- for a day.. Hmm.. make it top model for a day. Hahaha
I guess at the end of the day, it is just a matter of me feeling good about myself, boosting my ego. I think it is just plain human nature, AND I believe that is what everyone wants. So, I think I should do it more often. Make people make feel good about themselves sincerely, spread the happiness. Or a second thought, may be whenever I need help from them.. hahaha yeah. that is sly !
Anyway, I am looking forward to see my photos next week. ( ah, a note, photography session was on Sunday 13 March 2006). Hope they come out well !! Else, I really go amok !!
posted by sming @ 5:54 PM  |
Tuesday, March 14, 2006 |
Virgin Post |
Heard about blogs.. Read blogs.. by strangers and my friends'... suddenly it just hit me on one fine Tuesday (nope.. not Monday) morning that it is fun and I should blog too !! Am not sure how long I would keep my blog going on.. But, hey.. who cares ? :) Hmm... I should give my thanks to Wai Marn for all her blogs advice and of course.. Jason who actually 'inspired' me to really take action. :P
posted by sming @ 11:21 AM  |