Wednesday, May 31, 2006 |
Dance With My Father ~ by Luther Vandross |
Back when I was a child, before life removed all the innocence My father would lift me high and dance with my mother and me and then Spin me around ‘til I fell asleep Then up the stairs he would carry me And I knew for sure I was loved If I could get another chance, another walk, another dance with him I’d play a song that would never, ever end How I’d love, love, love To dance with my father again When I and my mother would disagree To get my way, I would run from her to him He’d make me laugh just to comfort me Then finally make me do just what my mama said Later that night when I was asleep He left a dollar under my sheet Never dreamed that he would be gone from me If I could steal one final glance, one final step, one final dance with him I’d play a song that would never, ever end ‘Cause I’d love, love, love To dance with my father again Sometimes I’d listen outside her door And I’d hear how my mother cried for him I pray for her even more than me I pray for her even more than me I know I’m praying for much too much But could you send back the only man she loved I know you don’t do it usually But dear Lord she’s dying To dance with my father again
Luther Vandross... who are you ? Why do you sing from my heart ? It scares me. How would you know my deepest yearning ? When I thought no one understands. Yet, your voice, the words.. resonates so strongly with my feelings that it hurts; that it makes my heart aches. Night after night, my unheard voice screams the same pain. My heart screams the same longing. Yet, you sing them out so clearly, so dearly. Did you walk the same path ? Did you stepped on the same thorns ? You sang out my pain, my loss. Yes, you made me shed tears. Yes, you opened my locked feelings But, you made me realize I am not alone. You made me realise it is ok to grieve... to find my own special way to grieve. Going on with life doesn't mean loving him less. Letting go doesn't mean forgetting. If you see him in that happy place, tell him we are ok. We will live our life well and will never disappoint him. Please tell him, I love him very much.. Tell him, I miss him so much.... please .. |
posted by sming @ 4:02 PM  |
Tuesday, May 30, 2006 |
Virgin Meme: 10 of Life’s Simple Pleasures |
Yay !! I kena tag- for the very first time.. Thanks 5Xmom !!! (People check out the new link on the side bar while i figure out how to do the hyperlink here... oh i found it d. Pai Seh...)
Ok.. Mission 1: To list out 10 of life's Simple Pleasures..Hmmm....
- To come in to work and find out my supervisor and/or manager is on MC or on leave. Can snake whole day, yeah !!
- Someone or anyone who would casually mention that I am not fat, just nice right IN THE FACE of my boyfriend. Bleh !!
- To see comments on my blog posted by my friends or strangers.. ( At least I know people are reading it !)
- To open my eyes early in the morning AND remember it is a non-working day and I can sleep till as late as I want !!! Ahh...
- Alexis's Tiramisu!!
- To soak myself in a hot bath with plenty of foam so I can play with the bubbles. Add in the jacuzzi features too !!
- Planning for the next holiday and counting the days to it...
- When someone asks me if I am still in college.... *SMIRK
- Counting stars at the beach ~ listening to the waves.. drinking wine with my boyfriend.. Eating chips too...
- When my mom compliments me on.. ANYTHING!! hehehe.. she is hard to please, man !!
Mission Impossible: To tag another 10 people to complete this meme. Aii.. my bloggy blog circle of friends can be count using one hand ler... - Wai Marn- I know you are working till 9pm daily.. so take a break lor
- Sue- yes, you still have not complete the KK entry. But, I know you very free one.
- Jason- don't want to link to me yet never mind. - Do this meme first lar
See.. finish d.. no more. Aii.. bo hu hei pun ho ( no fish, prawn also can lar). Those without blogs, just post in the comments lar.. Frens, don't let me syiok sendiri here ok? 4. Ben 5. Patrick 6. Alvin 7. Brad Putt Hong 8. Lorena 9. Foong Yi 10. Zarina |
posted by sming @ 3:17 PM  |
Monday, May 29, 2006 |
Tracing Da Vinci Code |
No lar, I am not going to "decode" the book/ movie. Just being kiasu and wanna ride on the wave of this latest hot topic in town. :P Anyway, watching the movie brought me down the memory lane when I visited Paris last June. I read the book before I went to Paris but I did not really trace the footsteps of Dr. Robert Langdon or Sophie. It is really HOT now that even the travel agents are naming their package after the book. Well, people, if the movie or book did really intrigue you to trace their steps, there are quite a few Free & Easy packages available. But I am abit confused with their 6D3N or 5D3N package. Not sure what happened to that few nights? May be you would be sleeping in the airport or the travel agents are playing with the timezone. Let me know when you have the info yeah !Anyway, I went with Lorena last year. Not my bf. Why?(This was the top question of my Paris FAQ). Because he don't want to go; he say he don't like shopping and sight-seeing. Bodoh one lar he. But, Paris is really romantic. I was there for 9 days. I love it there and had been plotting to bring my bf back there with me. He he he. But, we don't need to spend 9 days in Paris. 5-6 days is sufficient to see the highlights of romantic Paris. So, therefore I have came up with my own Paris trip itinerary.
Itinerary suggested is not at any particular order. Day 1 – The Lourve
I am not much of a museum person but I definitely enjoyed my visit to the Lourve. It is a MUST GO especially if you are a fan of Da Vinci Code. It is not possible to really cover the entire museum in one day. Just don’t miss the famous drawings and sculptures. Actually I only know Mona Lisa, Winged Victory, Venus de Milo. As long as the sculpture is ‘fenced’ up, it is famous to me. He he.. Also, please look out for the part where the movie ended where Tom Hanks actually stood on that BIG piece of glass. I do not remember seeing that even though I was there on the grounds thrice. Yeah I know. I memang sepet.. I Cina mar.
Day 2- Eiffel Tower- river cruise- Hotel de Invalides – Pont Alexandra III
Eiffel Tower- love of my life. Some people told me it is just a chunk of metal. I strongly disagree. Eiffel Tower is beautiful. The view up there is even more beautiful. Anyway, be really kiasu and go there early in the morning. First, stop by Trocadero. It is the best place to view Eiffel Tower. Then take a walk to Eiffel Tower; crossing beautiful River Seine. Pay EU10.70 to go up to the tip of Eiffel Tower. It is worth it. After enjoying the view up there, catch the river cruise just at the ‘foot’ of Eiffel Tower. You would be taken on a cruise to view the main spots along River Seine up to the islands- the last spot would be Notre Dame. The tour takes about 45 mins to an hour. I paid Euro 9 for the cruise. Enjoyed every moment of it !  After that, take a walk to Hotel de Invalides. This is where Napolean’s tomb is housed. I did not go in but a friend said it was really grand in there. I was just too saturated with museums after the Lourve. :P After that, take a walk to Pont Alexandra III. The grandest bridge over River Seine. Hang around there. Take photos and wave at tourists who are taking their river cruise. Hehehe… Anyway, after that if your legs can still move, just walk another few steps over the bridge to Grand and Petite Royal Palais. Some old palace but now made into exhibition halls. If you ask me, no need to go in. Just snap some photos outside and tell people ' yah... I have been there.. yah.. very nice.. very grand.. very petite... '.
Day 3- Grand Boulevards- Place du Concorde- Champ de Elysees- Arc deTriomphe- La Defense If you have time and love shopping, take a walk around Grand Boulevards- where you have the super departmental stores - La Fayatte and Printemps. Sip coffee at their in-door cafe.. ooohhh... After that, catch a metro to Concorde. Attractions- the huge obelisk, the two fountains ( I posted the photo on the photostream- watch out for it), and statues of 8 ladies/dame. Each of them represent a city. History- this is where that Marie Antoinette was guilotined. Yucks. But, it is not eerie ler. Here you can already catch the first glimpse of Arc de Triomphe and the long long Champ De Elysees. Take a long and slow walk along Champ de Elysees towards Arc de Triomphe. Along the way, there are cafes(another place to stop to yam dam cha, yak gor bao - drink tea and eat pastries.), cinemas, car showrooms and branded boutiques, ie.the famous Louis Vuitton. When we were there, there are these China chinese people who will approach you and ask you to help there to buy LV bags. Well, either you can help them or you can do what we did. We just shook our head as if we don't understand Mandarin and walked off. Hehe.. Not that I do not want to help them. At first I thought they are pickpockets. But actually, they just want to buy the LV bags to bring back to their homeland to sell to those filthy rich brand-conscious people. (**Jealous) Each passport is entitled to a limited units of merchandise. Be a daredevil and stand in the middle of the avenue to take a full picture of Arc de Triomphe, and the Champ de Elysees. Directly behind you would be Concorde and The Lourve. Really song dou lei sei !!Ok. Continue the sight seeing to Arc de Triomphe. It is the middle of roundabout that links to 12 avenues. So when you reach this point, you can give directions from 1 o'clock to 12 o'clock.. COOL huh !! If you want to go up Arc de Triomphe that is another EU7. Optional I would say. After that, if you can still walk, take a metro to La Defense. It is slightly outskirt. You will notice the modern feel of this area. High rise and modern art.
Day 4- The islands and Montmarte Take a metro to station Pont Neuf and walk across Seine River over this Pont Neuf. Literally, it means new bridge but the fact is that this is the oldest bridge in Paris. Here, you can enjoy the view of Place du Justice- their court house. But remind me more of castles dwelled by Sleeping Beauty or Rapunzel. You like lar. First stop at the island. St Chapalle- entrance Eu 7. They would sell combined tickets (Eu9) to Conciegerie. Skip it. Conciegerie is sort of the old prison. Dark and gloomy. Eerie. Feel so uneasy there. Anyway, St Chapalle is beautiful with the rose windows. There is the lower and upper chapel. Really beautiful and grand !After St Chapalle, we took a short tour of Place du Justice. No one stopped us so we just happily walked around. He he he. Next, take a walk along River Seine passing one of the last Flower Markets in Paris towards Notre Dame. Yeah, that famous church in the classic Hunchback of Notre dame. Beautiful rose windows and entrance is free. Unless, if you would like to get close and personal with the gargoyles. Gotta pay EU7 to go up to the top and also get to see the BIG HUGE bell. Cannot remember ? Go watch the cartoon again lar.
Next take a metro to Butt Montmarte (stop- Anvers). This is the highest point in Paris. ( not very high ler- lower than Penang Hill **smug). Take the furnicular up to Sacred Cour. This is one of my famous architecture. :) Then, take a walk around Montmarte area. Very artistic place. Stone paved roads- ahh... really got FEEL.. After that, walk towards Pigalle. This is sort of like the red light district of Paris. Filled with sex shops, peep shows and even a sex museums. You can bring your kids for sex education here lar. The main attraction hereis the famous Moulin Rouge. Eu 150 for a show with dinner I guess. I did not go in coz I had a heart attack when I saw the price. :P
Day 5- Chateau de Versailles It is located at the outskirt of Paris. One n half hour away. Take a metro to Pont de Serves then take bus 171. The last stop would be the Chateau already. I cannot remember the history of this place d. All I remember Marie Antoinette stayed here too and she gave birth in public to ensure the authenticity of the heir. Anyway, you can visit the official site here. http://www.chateauversailles.fr/en/ We were really kiasu that time. Got the one day pass that covers EVERYTHING in the chateau. That cost us EU20. Anyway, after going to the Lourve, things are pretty similiar here. So just get a pass that will take you into the King's Chambers, State Apartments and Hall of Mirrors. That is the indoor thingy. The gardens are a MUST. The vast land ..the fountains.. That will leave you speechless and breathless coz you gotta really WALK !!. There is the Grand Tranion and Petite Tranion. No need to pay for the pass to go in; just stay out there and take photos. But no matter how tired your legs are, you MUST go to the Queen's Hamlet. It is really different and one of my favourite spots. Cottage feel .... Arrange to go on a weekend or public holiday. They would have the fountain show. I missed it. :( Trust it would be beautiful !
Ok. That should be enough for the Free & Easy 5 day tour. Other costs..
Transportation Get Orange Carte. It is EU 15.70 for 7 days- Zone 1 and 2. - starting from Monday to Sunday of that week. Means you cannot user from Wednesday to the next Tuesday; only till the Sunday. Bring a passport photo. But my photo was cut out from the magazine. Well, to them, all the cina ppl look the same one lar !! Hehe. This card covers metro, buses, the furnicular and also the trip to Versailles. So no worries.
Food Well, takeaway is the cheapest lor. Or you can buy from supermarkets. Eu3-4 should be able to fill your stomach. But if you want to sit down and tan sai kai at cafes- Eu10 should get you a decent meal. If you want to go for high class one, err.. EU20 per meal should be ok guaa... Well, eat bread bread bread and the pastries.. Try their rum & raisin yogurt from the supermarket. Cheese - is a MUST !! Gelato (Ice cream) too !!
Sming's Basic French Sortie- One of the first word we learn-means EXIT. Pronounced as Soh di... Sephora- Sei for la ! This is a chain outlet like our SASA only 10 times bigger, with all the brands. Biotherm la, Elizabeth Arden la, Issey Miyake la, Lancome la, Kose la, Sisley la, Loreal la.. you name it, they have it. It is heaven ! But for people on budget like me.-sei for lor.... Champ de Elysee- song dou lei sei- with the shops, the cafe's, the view.. really syiok till you die... Anyway, there is no need to really pick up French there. Most of the tourist spots have English speaking staff. But you have to your luck, some are polite some are not. About the people there, err.. no comment except Malaysians better.. Yay !
Not many leng chais also. Take note of the bed size when you are at The Lourve or Versailles. Visiting Paris has always been my childhood dream. And, to be able to visit Paris as my first Europe country is also a blessing. Of coz, I need to thank Hooi Yao, Laura and Aunty for their kindness and great hospitality. TBK for driving us to Mont St Michel and seeing night Paris. Also, Lorena for her wonderful companionship.Thank you!! **Hugssss In a nutshell, I enjoyed Paris very much! It was a great trip. Definitely going back !! |
posted by sming @ 12:22 PM  |
Tuesday, May 23, 2006 |
Bored to Death... |
Sien. Sien. Sien... Actually ppl, there is something called Tuesday Blues. I am sleepy. I am bored. I am lazy to work. My mind is blank. Cannot think. My nose running all over the place.. Ahhhh chew ! (for the 1001 time this afternoon) Something I realize is lacking is the interactiveness of my blog. Though not much readers, but may be we should interact abit. How ? Well, there is something called comments though... What to talk about ? I also don't know. Why don't we think of something to do or what can we do when we are almost bored to death ? Yeah ? Hmmm.. let me see what I can do
- Eat lor- anything that I can put into my mouth is ok.. Munch munch ( am having pepper biscuit...want some ah ??)
- Think of places to eat...
- Day dream- think of the leng chai that I saw over lunch. And imagine how he will court me .. flowers.. dinner at the beach . watching sunset... slow dancing... he feeding me and telling me I am NOT fat....
- Miss my bf ALOT ( better say something sweet ...suddenly forgot I am attached)
- Think of Top 10 Lomantic Marriage proposals..(I have to pretend I am a guy lor coz I am conservative- it must always be the guys making the move) - The most recent one was to proposed when at the peak of Mount Kinabalu when the sunrise- aii.. but already bo ko lian !!!!
- Pretend to be VERY busy at work.... you know.. open MS Word.. start typing email in such a formal way that everyone thinks you are doing documentation...Or.. draw alot of boxes on a paper- start linking them up then ppl will think you are doing system design- cool leh..
- Sing la.. I wonder what will my colleagues think when I suddenly sing out loud WHY DOES THE SUN GOES ON SHINING ?
WHY DOES THE SEA RUSH TO SHORE ? DON'T SAY NO.... .. IT IS END OF THE WORLD.. COZ I STILL HAVE TO WOOOOORRRRRRRK....... - Think of names for your unborned or unconceived sons or daughthers.. Can be really fun one ler !!
- Cari pasal lor.. go and find one of your good friend and pick a fight !!
- Recite some poems you learnt from school.... Chuang qian ming yuet guang... yee shi di shang shuang....Xiao bai chai xin li huang, san sui liang sui li le liang
- If can, write poems... The sun shone on your eyes. and your eyes glistered like diamonds; which should be on my finger NOW you stupid moron..
Aii.. who said time flies one ?? Screw you lar. Now only 5 plus. Still got half an hour before I can go home and hit the bed. No need to bathe. No need to eat. No need brush teeth...Just jump on the bed, hide under my silk comforter and ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz Ahh.. Bliss Ok .. I am going to toilet now. SIt there for awhile. Comb hair. Come back get some drink then should be time to go home d. ok.. Ciao ! muahahhahahaa
posted by sming @ 4:50 PM  |
Thursday, May 18, 2006 |
When I was 19 .... |
This was something I wrote for my-then bf for his birthday. Hmm... that was when I was inspired by the river of life thingy but that time I used the word stream. Stream is like soft flowing water; River - raging, swirling water ( cannot forget the teh tarik water at Sg. Padas). So, now very 'ganas' d.. Haha.. Anyway, those were the days.. so young.. so naive.. so simple... ********************************************************************************** When you are riding on a boat on a stream, you can see a little in front of you , a little behind you and maybe some trees and bushes on the banks. But if you are up in the air... you see everything... the beginning of the stream , where it ends and how it flows to where it ends. You see the life of the stream. It’s just like a vision. Some people dies and have this vision of their own life.
I like looking at humans’ stream of life. Who am I or what am I doesn’t matter but I can assure you that I don’t take life to do that. Everyone that exist in earth has their stream of life flowing forever. Life is a destiny.
Today , I chose a life of a female to look on. I peer into her life when she is young. I like young girls. I like the romantic part even more.
She is an ordinary girl, nothing much to say about. She is just at her turning point of life, leaving her home for 18 years to another place to further her studies. She went to this place or University called Unitele. She came here with dreams... to a new life that will give her independence , freedom and a bright future.
It was at a lecture hall when she met HIM. She was looking around when she turned and found herself looking at him. Without thinking, she blurted “hi”. Then they were introduced. It wasn’t anything special. But she was wrong, it wasn’t anything special yet.
Next was a vision when she was coming out from a lab and bumped right into him. He was asking for some notes. Then he left. Without any reasons, she went looking for him. They talked and she found being with him was really fun.
As days gone by , they met and talked. It was a the friendly thing. Until one day, someone sort of revealed the possibility that he liked her more than friends. She was flattered. She decided to find out the truth .
She got to him one night. They were talking under the starry night. It was her first time looking at stars with a guy. That night he confessed to her he liked somebody. Deep in her heart , she knew it was her. But, she played along with him. She didn’t know why she did that. Maybe she just wanted him to say right out to her or maybe she did find him interesting.
Weeks gone by . They were still playing the hide and seek game. She was so involved in the game until that she really believed that there was this girl which he said there is.
It was on her birthday. He and a close friend had been very sweet. They had cooked a maggie mee pretending it was mee suah and two eggs. He gave her a necklace and a jar of lucky stars. She was touched deeply. She was happy to have him as a friend.
All along he had been treating her very well. Very sweet and caring. She was touched but she refused to admit that something has to be done to settle things between them even though he had been dropping hints every now and then.
On one faithful night, 2nd of September. He confessed to her. He took her to the parking lot. He told her , ” I like someone, she’s here in Unitele, she ‘s from engineering faculty, she’s in Group 8, she’s you !” She couldn’t look at him. Although she knew it all long, she still feel uncertain. When he asked her to be his girlfriend, she wanted to say yes but she just couldn’t.
How could she say yes when she has barely recovered from her wound. Age was the other factor , she never like the thought of being involved in younger boys.
She asked for time. He said no problem.
It was near the mooncake festival. Knowing she liked tanglungs, he deliberately borrowed a few and they were walking around with the tanglungs beautifully lit up their night.
Then there was this lunar eclipse. They went to see it. It was magical. All day , the haze has been terrible they thought they would miss it. When it was approaching the time, the haze dispersed. As they lay their backs on the tennis court, the incessant chattering of their friends nearby seem like background music. There was as if only two of them when the shadow falls on the moon and slowly swallow it. The magic was there.
His love and tenderness has touched her, moved her that she was ready to be involved again.
That night they went out to celebrate their friends birthday. He had secretly bought a white rose . When he presented it to her, her face flushed with happiness. It was her first time receiving flowers. With eyes falling on her flower and her, she had a mixture of feeling, happiness and shyness. It was novel to her.
Later that night when they went for supper, the two was up to something again. They hopped on a trishaw and was on the road. With wind blowing on their faces, it was something special that nothing could be said about it.
Then they went back to the campus. The bunch was fooling around. But soon they had time for themselves. She was going to tell him the answer that night, exactly two weeks from the night he confessed.
They went to the tennis courts. They sat for a while when she shook her head. His face fell and looked away. She quietly took out the necklace he gave her and placed it in his hands. Hurt was written on his face. Even darkness couldn’t hide it. She then slyly whispered, “ Put it on me “. He smiled. The night lit up.
Aah... Ordinary people has the most extraordinary stories. Let’s see what happens next. It was after 8 months. She was writing something to him. I peered over her shoulders.
Thank you for always being there for me, thank you for giving me happiness and making me angry sometimes to preserve equality in my life...thank you for loving me and making my world a beautiful one, but most of all I want to tell you is......
My vision blurred. Oh... have used up my power. After all , life won’t be fun if I keep on telling everything to you. To me , it’s different. I have no life. In my world there’s no present, there’s no past , there’s no future. Everything happens at the same time. To me this is only a story... but to you all, my stories are your lives. Write your stories well and live them well.
********************************************************************************* Oh.. forgot to write closure... Well, I wrote something mushy like I love you (**roll eyes) on anther slip of paper and gave it to him. ~Romantic leh !! hahaha.. Well, we broke up about another year later or so. Due to the typical you-are-not-my-type reason. I was devastated. But time heals. We are cool now and are good friends.. you know.. those that are like stars- you don't see them all the time but they are always there... Part of life, part of growing up. Anyway, now I am very happy with my current relationship. :) And, no! Not getting married yet !!
posted by sming @ 2:32 PM  |
Tuesday, May 16, 2006 |
Photostream from Flickr |
Notice the new set of photos on top of my blog ? Yeah, it is something I just did and am really happy about it. I linked it to the Flickr website where I will upload my favourite photos I have taken and would take on my trips. Random photos to be shared !! Hope you would like them !! |
posted by sming @ 6:03 PM  |
Monday, May 15, 2006 |
3 week old car got rear-ended |
Ai.. that poor victim is my boyfriend's new car. Yeah, talk about luck !! It happened yesterday when we were on our way back after shopping. The cars were slowly turning out to the main road and the car in front of us stopped. So, we stopped and with no warning, a big bang came with a big impact that I think my brain almost went out of the window coz my mind went blank. Came out and saw this Waja with the radiator totally gone and the front was crushed. At that moment, I just knew that our car would be ok. ( I got study physics one mar.. the other car took all the impact- anyway, just let me show off abit yeah !) And truly, only the bumper was abit cracked. But, enough to make my heart bleed. The other driver was really apologetic and I think at first, he dared not get down of the car thinking my bf is going to whack him. Well, what my bf did was really surprising. He lighted his ciggy and took a puff. Then, he coolly asked him, " So, make the police report together ? I gotta claim your insurance yeah. Your car is a mess, you better call a tow truck." If it was my car, I would have jumped at the driver, shove him on the bonnet, press the broken glass on his neck and screamed at him: " YOU BLOODY A**HOLE !! YOU DON"T KNOW HOW TO DRIVE AH ?? IT IS A BLOODY NEW CAR, OK ???!!!! NOT EVEN MUN YUET (full moon) YET ! DIE LAR YOU !!!! " Ok.. I might not be that violent I would definitely scold his head off. Side track abit. Last year a stupid cement tanker rammed into my driver door and tried to drive away. Though shaken, I chased that a88hole and horned them till they stop. Down came 2 Indian guys. I came down from my car and shouted at them. I was alone. One sweet young thing (ahem!) and I never once thought they could have beat me up or dragged me into the car and drive off. From then, I knew I have a hotter temper than I thought. Blind temper. Ok. Back to the topic. Of course, after that we did the necessary stuff lar. But, I was quietly impressed by the way my bf handled the whole issue. He put the other driver at ease, he focused on solution instead of haggling about the mistake. And because of his attitude, I was calmed too. We could even chat with the other couple at the police station and tentatively made a date for dinner. Of course that guy gotta treat us lar ( so, let me know if you have any expensive restaurant in mind.. hahaha). Yes, I admire him and respect him more because of this. He is someone who can handle my temper, my tantrums and my unrationalism (sometimes only lar). :) You are the MAN, love !! |
posted by sming @ 5:55 PM  |
Wednesday, May 10, 2006 |
Almost Conquered Mount Kinabalu 3-8 May 2006 |
That word- ‘ALMOST’ is like a knife cutting through my heart. I was 1.7KM away from the peak, and my body totally rejected my will to climb anymore. I thought I was going to die there. No la. Actually, I was afraid if I continue to push myself, I would die up there; or become dried pork.
So, I stayed at the Sayat- Sayat checkpoint. Conquered appx. 8.7KM of Mount Kinabalu, I took the longer route from Mesilau. Longer== 2KM farther or 4 hours longer the journey took. Sad ( only yesterday started feeling this way) that I did not make it but I am thankful that I have people around me who lift me up by telling me that I had gave my best and I have done more that I could have done. For someone who never even climbed Penang Hill or done any trekking before. And most of all, I did not prepare myself for altitude sickness. I was down with chest pain, stomach ache and also vomited.
Anyway, let me go through my crazy itinerary with you all..
3 May 2006 Reached Kota Kinabalu town at about 11 am and went for fish paste noodle. Not bad. After that, we went to buy stuff at KK town. Banana la… Milo la… Mineral water la… They don’t have hypermarkets there, just emporiums.  After buying our stuff, we were driven into the hills towards Mesilau Park. Stopped at Kinabalu Park to store our luggage and ate ( again). Lousy food. It was raining already and it was quite chilly. On the way, I saw some people, young or old, walking up the road. They don’t have cars and doesn’t seem to be a short distance. And for that, I do appreciate what I was provided. After another hour or so, we reached the Mesilau Park. Man !! It is cold but beautiful! The mist and the trees. Back to nature feels good. Even the air there is sweet (no la- exaggerate only). Anyway, we hang around there and just took a walk.
4 May 2006
Woke up really early about 6 plus (suppose to wake up at 7.15am) coz it was really bright. Started our climb from Mesilau gate at about 8.45 am. I reached Laban Rata at about 5.20pm. How was it ? The trail was ok just very long and it goes up and down. That extra 2KM really does takes a toll on my body. But, I never did regret taking that trail. The view was beautiful. Reminds me of the Enchanted Woods series that I always read in Enid Blyton’s books. I always have a problem descending slopes. So at one point, I was separated from my boyfriend. I was with Soo & HY but I needed to drink and also get my rain coat as it was forecasted that it would rain that day. So I picked up pace, over took a few Thai girls, and was on my own in the woods. Alone for about 30 mins. At one point, I heard crunching sounds. I turned around. No one. Continue my ascend. Crunching sound again. Turn around. No one. I almost freaked out and I couldn’t run Only after a few steps I found that the sound was from my pouch. Whew!!
It was not long I caught up with the gang and we had a drink and rest. Then, it started to rain. Then it was a steep ascend up the rocks in heavy rain. Just after 4KM. And I started to regret for the first time. Why why why on earth I want to conquer Mount Kinabalu?? Why didn’t I just go for some beach thingy and get some sun tan ???!! After that, we reached this area that it was so beautiful that I immediately forget my regrets. It reminded me of Lord of the Rings. I don’t know why. But it was misty, it was green; the trees was beautiful. It was just great ! Then it stopped raining. And the last 2KM of the climb was just steps and steps of rocks up to the rest house. The last 0.5KM almost killed me. I was gasping for air like a goldfish. Every 10 steps I need a rest. I never felt so exhausted before and it was every last bit of energy was drained from my body. Anyway, with my bf’s encouragement, I finally did made it to the rest house. Man, seeing just the tip of it was like finding gold !!
 After dinner, there was another 200m of climb to the place where we would be sleeping. Oh man ! But, the sunset there was beautiful. Lomantic. Plus, there were quite a few cute Japanese guys and Korean guys up there.
We couldn’t bathe as it was freezing! It could almost numb your fingers. So I just splash some water, wash my face, brush teeth and went to bed. Dirty ?? Huh ? What is that word ?
Just before I slept, I started to feel unwell, I had stomachache and wanted to vomit. May be I should have just vomit. But I put some heat pack and oil and went to sleep. Trying to forget about the pain and urge to vomit. :(
5 May 2006 We woke up at about 1.30 am. I did not sleep well due to my stomachache. At that point, Hui2 who was already not feeling well also did ask me if I still want to ascend to the summit. I did have doubts but I thought that I should at least try. So we started the climb in the dark. The sky was full of stars. I never saw so many stars before, not even when I was in Perhentian Island. But, it wasn’t a night to enjoy them. The climb was up on flight of stairs and rocks. It was really taxing and I started to have the urge to vomit. I stopped to try to let it go. But, only gas came up. And it was really a torture. After another 10 mins, I stopped and vomited on the side. It was terrble and I was so glad that it was dark so that the other climbers could not see my face. ( Half dead already still si ai bin) Then, we reached the part with the rope, it was really steep. I was so tired then. I already made up my mind to stop at the checkpoint. My body couldn’t take it anymore. And I don’t even know if I have the strength to hold on to the rope. I was afraid that I would just fall and die there. The guide, who has been with me all the time took my hand and led me up the slope without holding on the rope. I was all tensed up. Because at few points, my hand slipped out of the glove and he was just holding my glove. Man !! I did not know how I did it and when I reach the checkpoint, I just told the rest I am staying there. Hui2 stayed with me. We both were out.
I rested there and actually slept off. But, I woke up about 6.05am and the sun has already rised. It was beautiful even from there. The sea of clouds….. * See this slope- enlarge it. This is how we climbed up to the peak. About 200m of this kind of dangerous 'trail' >_< After that, I went back to sleep and the rest came down about 8 am I think. My bf made it to the top in time to see the sunrise. I am really proud of him. BRAVO BRAVO.. clap clap clap. Actually, I made the ultimate sacrifice. If I had continued the journey, he would have been dragged by me and would not make it in time. So, ain't love powerful ? :P (Sming's BF: Tak boleh say tak boleh lar... talk so much pulak.) Then we made the perilous climb down. Ohh.. scary scary scary ! Lucky the guide was taking care of me all the time. Of course, I did kena some 'scolding' from him. Ah Moi, macam mana you jalan ? Ah Moi, you takut apa? Badan jangan keras !!! Ah Moi, kaki jangan pijak macam tu... Ah Moi, mengapa ada jalan senang tak mau jalan ? P. jalan yang susah itu.. Tengok kaki saya ! Ah Moi, jangan takut lar. Takkan jatuh ! ( Less than one minute, I slipped and sat on my butt and I pulled him with me. He almost gave up on me there. Hahahaha) Ah Moi.. Ah Moi...
ok la. At least for a lady of my age who is old enough to be a mother also got people call me ah moi.. We reached Laban Rata just in time to pass the key for checkout. Checkout time was 10.30 am. Did our packing, had lunch and continued to descend to Timpohon Gate. Descending is really much easier. That took me another 5 hours. The trail was shorter. The view was so so. But the steps were really higher. Thanks to Lorena who advised me to get knee guards and also thanks to Ben who bought me two new ankle guards to protect my ankle!! Whew…. The first thought was finally! I made it! It is over! I can happily think of my other trips !! Man, really pay money to suffer. Tip lui mai nan sau...
On the way out to town, we saw the most perfect and complete rainbow! The whole arch and the colors were striking! There was even a smaller one. Twin Rainbows !
When I came down, I was ravenous! When Jason and Lorena called, I was stuffing the bak kut teh into my mouth while talking them! Hahaha like ngor guai only.
6 May 2006 After climbing mountains, this day we are to go down to water. Siong san lok sui… Perfect! This round also we woke up before the alarm rang because the room was so bright!! Here we took a bus for an hour plus to Beufort and then a two-carriage train from there to Padas. We were going to raft Sg. Padas !!!
Throughout the journey, the view was really different. It is like going into the rural areas. It was just trees, hills and of course the river. Eww. It was brown and foaming. Just like teh tarik. But the current was strong; we could see whirlpools and big waves. Excitement gripped us!!
After briefing and stuff, we went for the ride! There is 6 of us with two guides on the raft. It was choppy but fun. We all tried to synchronize our paddling by yelling one two .. one two… but after awhile, everyone’s shout died down with exhaust and we just appointed HY to do the shouting. To which it sounded more than a normal tone after that. And when we have to go through the rapids, we have to paddle hard and synchronized also at some point we have to lean forward to stop the raft from capsizing. ( Don’t worry, the guide will teach you) We went through 4 rapids without capsizing! Cool leh. We even did our cheer after the rapids. There was the cobra, the snake head, the curve and the dunno-what-already! But at some point, it was scary!! It was going through giant waves and some time the waves just whack you on the face!! Try imagine.. big waves of teh tarik splashing into your face and with abit of tea leaves (sand) left in your mouth.. Pttuiiii !! And it rained half way through the trip! What an experience, man !! And at first, it hurts!! The rain was like pelting stones!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEW, we really had fun this round. Tips for those who want to climb the mountain and do water rafting on the same trip. Climb first then go for the rafting. All 10 of us agreed this way the itinerary is better. :) **Photos with our guide. So none to show.
7&8 May 2006 Ahh.. after sleeping in the cold dorm for few nights, it was time we check in into the luxurious Sutera Harbour.
The view was beautiful from the room!! And they have a total of 5 swimming pool ( Heard that but I only saw 4). So what did we do ? Rest and relax at the pool. Soak. Take a walk around the harbour. Take photos. See sunset.. Forget about seeing sunrise!! Had good breakfast.. Rest and relax at the other two pools over at the other wing…. Take photos again.. Hahaha.
 Overall, it was a fun trip. Though really tiring but it was a great experience. Kota Kinabalu is a small town- you can practically walk to cover the entire town. People are friendly and slow in pace. But seafood was a big disappointment. Nothing to shout about. And I did not even have the chance to eat my cheong bak bong (Elephant Tusk Clam). Gotta becareful else sure kena cut throat. Don’t go to Ocean Village. There is one called Twinsky in town. Near GSC or Centerpoint. Not superb but at least good food!
Sabah- land under the wind. It is a beautiful place. I would definitely go back. But will just say hi to Mount Kinabalu from the foot of the moutain. |
posted by sming @ 2:47 PM  |
Monday, May 01, 2006 |
Pik Chik Saturday morning |
Waking up on a Saturday morning and going through my ‘model’ album at least 5 times before brushing my teeth, the more my dissatisfaction creep. So here I am ranting about it… I hate the photo that I chose. The one that I mentioned earlier. Feedback is almost 100% that the photo is a failure. The more I look at it.. the more I regret.. :(( I hate the way they arranged my photos.. No proper sequence, all mixed up. Confusing my brains. I hate that they never listen though I nag them. I said no wordings, soft colors and NO FLOWERS on the paper background. Yet there is this BIG red rose over my head on one of the page. Duh !!! I hate how that they did not let me choose my own gown for the two special image .. end up I have 3 dresses out of 4 of the same color- white.. so like wedding photos instead LAAAA !! I hate that they make me like too perfect that made most people say that the person in the photos doesn’t look like me. Coz that makes me feel that I was just packaged up in the photos and in real person, I should walk around with a card box over my face. I hate how they ….. can’t think of any more.
I guess I just woke up from the wrong side of the bed. Hmmmmph !!
posted by sming @ 7:36 PM  |