Thursday, July 27, 2006 |
Jewellery Fair coming to Mandarin Oriental KL !!! |
Few days ago, Jason sent me a link to Malaysia International Jewellery Fair 2006 . First thing I did was to check the recepient list and then I replied something like this to Jason: "OOII.. why you never send this to my boyfriend lar.. **HINT **HINT !!" Hehehe.. nowadays have to si ai bin abit.. Sendiri mari one. Wait some more mosquito also sleep d lor Anyway, I was watching tv with my bf last night. He: 10- 13 August... Hehehe ( like very proud like that ) Me: What ? ( abit blur) He: 10-13 August... you know what is happening ah ? ( somemore very proud wanna show off) Me: Ohhhh.. Jewellery Fair maa. ( **ting light bulb appear) He: Eh.. So smart one....You know ah ???( Stewpid, I am the one who ask Jason to forward the link to you lar. ) Me: Of course la. **smug He: Ok lar.. I bring you there la. Me: For what ? ( Fishing....) He: Bring you there to buy your ring lar. Me: **Eyes watering... beaming with love in the heart.. the legs shaking... the heart thumping very fast.. the clock was like stopped for this romantic moment** He: (before I can say anything) Can only choose those less than RM1,500.00.
CI LA KAK punya KIAM SIAP boyfriend !!!! |
posted by sming @ 3:46 PM  |
Beautiful Night Hong Kong |
I was going through my Hong Kong pictures and it just reminded me how beautiful Hong Kong is at night. And of coz, I also remember my little experience.. actually let's not be modest. I HAVE TO blog about how I took these photos. It was a HASSLE !! hahaha..
I had my Lin Zhi Dan Dan. Dunno how to translate. Sendiri see the photo.<---------------- Did some window shopping and went up to the Peak View area. It was only 6pm. Si beh sian. I am there already. The sun not setting yet. All the Hong Kong drama say Night Hong Kong hou leng.. Hiong Gong yeh geng hai zhui leng gek !! So, I die die also must SIT there and wait till the sun set lor. What did I do ? Read my travel guide book. Look at the stuff I bought earlier. Look at the Japanese guy next to me playing Tetris ( no, not leng chai one). Then fan away the smoke from the Japanese uncle's ciggy on my other side. Kay poh chee see what the aunties and si lais are eating. See the young cute toddler walk around. Laugh quietly when she fall and cry (cute marr....)Then the dad come and carry her.. oo and aaaa al over her... aii buoy tahan...so precious meh. Make a mental note that next time I would tell my children to stand up themselves. Don't be a sissy. hehehe. Military training. Then, see a noti ang mo boy pee at the pillar without taking off his pants. Eh that barger can walk n run d. So sia sui. No toilet trainng meh ? My dog also know better.
ok.. Then kap chai kap lui.... and soon mm geng mm gok also 7.30pm d. I see all the kiasu ppl taking all the nice spots with good view. Sien. I also become kia su.. and manage to grab a spot at the very corner side and took this photo.
Not nice hoh. So I whipped out my tripod. ( my brother's one actually) Then very yau yeng set up my tripod. The two young chinese in front of me also scared d. Still boh sui, I have to zoom in to get rid of the 'construction site' of the peak tower.. Hehe.. So, I inched forward. See, I cannot get the whole view without the zhor deng construction place.
Suddenly, the couple in front of the chinese guys walked off. Wah before that two can move, I grabbed my tripod and bag.. and POOF ! I was standing in front of them d. Yes they are not leng chai so I dun care. Haha. 
Better right ? But still got the edge of the building on the right side of the photo. Oh OH ! There is another space. I zig zagged and manage to squeeze in a small gap in front of one gang of young China tourists. First, I conquer the small space with my tripod. Slowly, I inched in with my arm. then half of my body.. and ok.. I am in position !! Though not really comfortable. Aiii.. these China tourists when wanna move away? They are also pushing me nearer to the couple in front. Ahh.. this is interesting. It is a couple from South Africa. But they are not speaking any native language but English. So I eavesdropped lar. Not that I have a choice. Radio also say humans cannot shut our ears. So, this man was trying to impress the woman with his 'success' stories as a lawyer. Kap! Kap !Kap! Ai yoo... I was thinking you two wanna chit chat go sit aside lar. This photographer from Malaysia got serious things to do you know ?? I gotta take nice nice photograph of Hong Kong ok? I waited almost TWO hours to take these photos ok?? MOVE LA !!!! So, I inched in. Sort of elbowed the lady. She gave me a glance. I smiled sweetly at her. She nodded in return.  But she so damn mm seng muk. Or may be she purposely one. May be she is territorial also. Again in order to take nice professional photo, I bumped in to her. What to do? She is HUGE you know. I think double of me. She turned around. Again I smiled- extra sweet this time. She forced a small smile. But through our brain waves... Me: Pat por ! Move your big fat black ass to the seats there lar. Don't chit chat here with ur butt facing the scenary. I wanna take photo, OKAY ???!!! She: You small Chinese witch ! Give me some space ok? I am trying moochy coochy with this lawyer ok ?? And, I CAME HERE FIRST. Anyway, I didn't give a damn. And, I stayed in my position. Securing myself more when the group if Chinese youngster move away. hehe. (Now only the two chinese man moved closer. :P) I can be quite stubborn sometimes. After sometime, I think they gave up on me. How to be romantic when every once in awhile a small round nose is poking into your conversation and a pair of sepet eyes are watching you. YAY !! I WON !!!! I think with them moving away. I inched forward with at least a space of 4 people. Hehe. Still not the best spot. But ok already. This photo above also very nice d ok? Cannot complain d. I never take photo at night so cun one .. After that, I also tired d. Tiring of being kiasu. Tired for hawking for a inch of space. So I have these photos. Not easy ok ? And I am proud to show off them.. hahaha
Anyway, Hong Kong Island is beautiful at night. Find a nice quiet spot without ppl like me. And it would be really romantic. :)
posted by sming @ 10:23 AM  |
Friday, July 21, 2006 |
An affair with Durian Guy |
It was Wednesday. My durian worms were crawling all over me...So, after dinner, Sue and I went to have durian at the SS2 stall. We had Red prawn --> Hong Har. Branded durian, OK?? We got standard one... :P Hehe. Anyway, after few bites, both of us find it not so satisfying; so, we called the Durian Guy to come over. The conversation went something like that.
Sue: Eh, leng chai. This durian not nice leh. Me: Yeah...watery one. DG: Is it? But Hong Har is like that one worr.... Me: No lar. Like that one meh?? Sue: It is lam lam pek pek.( soft soft) DG: No. It is memang liek this one. Looks watery only. But how is the taste? Me: Sure or not ? Sue: No worr. Like abit funny leh. DG: Yeah yeah... BUT. how is the taste ?? Me: **looks at Sue...Don't know how to answer.. Sue: Errr.. **Said in her exact words with her very serious face** MOU LEI YI QIN KUM JENG lor !! (Not as superb as you used to be) . . . . DG: **blinked** Me: ** trying to keep my poker face. We are negotiating mar.
( Damn ! The table next to us must think we had a threesome sometime back with this Durian Guy **blush) . . . After a sec, he manage to reply Sue. DG: Ngo pat lau dou kum jeng ke wor. (I have always been this superb)
Me: ** Cannot tahan d. Spluttering with laughter** Sue: **Joined in after realising her faux pas**
Negotiation settled with another small durian FOC. Yummy !! Reward: Had a great laugh that night (still laughing now) and exercising of face muscles. :D And that Durian Leng Chai will always remember us. Or at least Sue who said he was JENG !! |
posted by sming @ 11:11 AM  |
Wednesday, July 19, 2006 |
Sexy Italian Men |
OH MAN !! I am so going to Italy next year !!! Look at these men.... **faint... I I don't know who is who..Don't know, don't care. Or are they all really on the Italian soccer team. I don't care either. I just know they are drop dead SEXY.... **sigh.......... Anyway, is Fabio among them ?? Cannot recognize.
Source: A forwarded email: FW: Fw: Fw: Italian Soccer team, mama mia! GUYS: Enter at your own risk. I am not responsible for any inferior feelings you would have.
 See the water dripping from his chin... ooo...I think can see his butt crack abit. I go bring sponge !! Sponge sponge the dragon and then.... 
Too hairy on the face for me. Still ok lar.

Aiyooo..Looks at those lips. Male version of Angelina Jolie  OK.. This pose abit too sissy..
 PLEASE !! Tell me you two cutie pies are NOT gay partners !!! Pretty pleaseeee.....
 OK.. not really my type... Pouty lips. And that cap.... Errrr....
 This guy is CUTE !! He looks familiar !! Who ah ?
 How can someone look so obscenely sexy ??? Aaaaiii...

Look at those abs and his eyes !! Yes! I am a sun worshipper too !

This one ah..Err.. "Ah Boy, go where your shorts Don't walk around in your dei kor "

Manly old balding uncle feel. OK lar. got his own manly attractiveness.....
Is it me only? Or you also feel that it is a woman trapped in a man's body( very nice one though) looking at us?

Boyishly CUTE !! I like his eyes.. Pierce through my heart...

Saving the best for last !! Even though half face.. He is still so sexy....... My fav !! Ohh.. He is sooooo geng.. He can breathe through one nostril only ler... Another half in the water ler. So skillful... aiyo...... Ah Loong Siu: I c c only.. I only love you niaaaa.... (must bodek first else die no full corpse)
So, who is your favourite ??? I still remember few years back before I found my true love( bodek again) and I was still quite down with my love life. I told my friends I want to go Italy and find a leng chai and pak taw... have one huang huang lit lit affair. Love till fan shan shui guat.. (body become powder, bone breaking into small pieces) Then, come back and start my life fresh. Haha.. Some silly dreams.... |
posted by sming @ 9:40 AM  |
Monday, July 17, 2006 |
One full moon party: One Wedding in Aruba |
Enough to cause a small whirlpool on my Monday Bluez mind. It is not really similar to the so-called pressure I had before. What am I thinking actually ? I don't know. Last two Fridays, my bf and few of his buddies went to Poppy to hang out. I tagged along. After a drink or two, my bf went out to bring in the other friend who was late. Stevie who was left with me 'entertained' me with questions. When we are getting married? Had my bf bought the ring yet ? And, he even speculated that my bf is going to propose soon!! Isshh- Don't spoil the fun lar. I want a surprise !! Then, my bf came in with the other friend. Questions dropped. Then, this friend of his whom I had only met for the third time, took the baton. He started to talk to me about our wedding plans. Imagine this. Booze intoxicating your system. Loud music blasting your ear drums. Nicotine clouding your lungs. Macho guys eyeing the chics. Scantily claded chics writhing on the dance floor. And, he was talking about my wedding. My "sacred" wedding. >.< From wedding photos, the reception, events management, the dinner, the MC, the band, ring till honeymoon. EVERYTHING!! He was just this close from asking me if I want help during my confinement period. Looks like I am being sold in to getting married. At a place of sins.. Poppy Garden. Even the name is sinful. Ironic. ****** With the memory still fresh, my bf and I went to his friend's baby's full moon party yesterday evening. Same gang of friends. High school friends. Looking at the small baby, she is so tiny. So fragile. Did my maternal feelings come gushing out ? NO. But I was more like, man ! That is a new life. It's a BABY!! (Obviously huh!!-Mind was blank) Looking at the dad... I am acquainted to this friend for sometime. He had some hiccups in his love life few years back. And, now he is a father. It was like. **blink blink He broke up with the x-gf. **blink blink He is attached with a new girl. **blink blink He is getting married !! **blink blink He is a proud father!! :O Looking at the mother...Dun know her much. I think she is younger than me. And she is a mom already. To make things worse, another guest (a mom) asked me if I have any children when I was looking at her cute girl. Shucks! DO I look like a mother ? I was JUST looking your cute daughter coz she reminded me of myself!! Hahaha. Anyway, to think of it. When my mom was my age, I was already one year old. ok. Feel better now. And then, that dad asked if I am ready for pregnancy ? Siao. I am not even married yet ler. What's wrong with these people ???? Life changes with a new baby in the family. Lifestyles to be changed. Priorities to be reshuffled. Sacrifices to be made. Man. It is so SCARY. Yes, that is the feeling. SCARY. *** Then I viewed my cousin's wedding photos. She had the wedding party at Aruba. She is living in New York now. The husband is half black- half white. Yes, like cincau plus soya milk. Michael Jackson.. It was a simple registration. No gowns. No ties. It was a reception at the poolside. A party. Simple yet fun. Then, the wedding ceremony at the beachside. ROMANTIC!! I saw her choked up emotions. I saw my aunty's tears. I wonder how would it be like to marry off your daughter. I wonder how it would be like to be given away. Would it be any different if you two have been staying apart about 10 yrs? And how would it be like see your son starting his own family? That he is now a husband and eventually a father? He would then be the man of his own family. Then, I saw the loving stare the newly weds shared, the passionate kiss with the sun setting behind them. How would it be to be someone's wife ? Or someone's husband? When your relationship is legally binded? When everyone is there to celebrate your union of love? I wonder. Married people out there, anything to share ?
posted by sming @ 11:03 AM  |
Friday, July 14, 2006 |
Me and my Yoga Mat |
I was thinking of getting a yoga mat for sometime. But, never went searching for it coz I don't really need it yet. Two weeks ago I saw this yoga mat going for RM 19.90 (with purchase of RM 30 products) at Watson's. At that moment I was in a rush and I wasn't sure if I really need it. So I left without buying it. The next 2 days, my colleague got one mat from Tesco for RM 19.90. So, being kiasu I sent my bf to Tesco. But it was not available at the outlet he went. Then my mind was off the whole matter for few days. Until I heard that the Watson's package IS a good buy with more colors and a bag for it. Now, the outlet nearby to our office is OUT OF STOCK. I went to check out the outlet myself that evening. Out of stock. They say try again next week. Ok lor.. So last weekend I was busy with my own things.. 168.. Sleep.. Eat... Totally forgetting about it. On Monday, another colleague "show off" her mat which she manage to grab from the Kajang outlet. Then I went 'crazy'. I called my bf, sent him to DU to find my mat. Texted my fren at KLCC ask him to check if there is any stock. Went online to search for all the Watson's outlet to call if they have stocks. (But no one answered at any outlets, I wonder why they installed a phone in the store.. duh !) That evening, I sort of dragged Sharon, Ben and Alvin to search for it at Sg. Wang. I even asked Sharon drive me to one of the nearby outlets even though Ben and Alvin was rushing for their movie. Yeah, I was so self centered. Sorry yeah, guys !! Then I drove to Times Square to search for it. No stock. And Sharon was so sweet to search for me around PJ area. Thanks girl! But, still no stock. MAN, I WAS OBSESSED !!!! The next day after my meeting at the other branch, I walked to KLCC to search for it. That evening, I went to ONE U again to search for it. Although, deep down I know my attempts would be in vain. The mat was there when I first saw it, I did not buy it. But once I know it is going out of stock. I JUST have to HAVE it. I was just short of driving all the way to Kajang for it. I was INSANELY OBSESSED. It was just some crazy unexplained yearning of owning something that I don't really need. Then it struck me. Have you all ever felt this way about some thing ? Or even someone ?
It is something you don't really need or don't really want. Then, suddenly, you can't seem to be able to have it. And you feel so bo gam luan and went searching high and low. that by all means, you MUST have it. And you don't even stop to think whether it is what you really want. You just want to have it. Even though, in the process of getting it, you may be bringing unnecessary trouble to yourself or worse, other people. I am sure this is not something new to you. There has been numerous article about it. The fear of loss is stronger than the logical mind. But, were you ever aware that you yourself are falling into that 'trap' ? The very own you set up? And, I realised it just happened to me. So, I sat down and knocked some sense into my head. Hey, I have not even signed up for an official yoga class ler !! It is just TRIAL class- for a month only. And, i can always use a towel. So after thinking logiaclly, the insanity stopped just as how it came. It happens all the time. We try to grasp love, a so-called bargain, tangible items.. intangible ones etc etc.. just because we could not have it. We won't let go because we could never have it. So, macam mana ?? Be aware of this weakness (the mind is weak) , get hold of ourselves. Reason it. Be sensible. Be logical. Then, we will have the verdict whether all the hassle, heart pain is worth it. Then, do what needs to be done. BBW, this is dedicated to you. May you find happiness and peace!! |
posted by sming @ 9:59 AM  |
Tuesday, July 11, 2006 |
My mom's idol : My lucky star |
This is my Mom's idol lor... ** Drum roll.... dong dong dong CHIANG.... Proudly presents..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
DING FAN !! Yeah. My lucky star too....coz without him, I would not be able to go to Hong Kong, to see beautiful night Hong Kong, to take photo with Whiskers at Ocean Park, to pray to the BIG Buddha at Lantau Island and to see the places in the Hong Kong series that I grew up with. Yeah. And not to forget seeing PAK LEUNG KAM too! Hehe...
My mom and aunty actually flew all the way from Malaysia/ Singapore to Hong Kong just to see his shows. Every night. My aunty even joined his fan club. Yeah.. Talk about FANS.... My mom was like "Ei ei... lend me your camera lar!! I wanna take photo with Ding Fan...Come lar.. Lend Mama lerrrr" ( Deh me somemore ??!!!!) I was thinking Ding Fan ???!! Aiyo... Take what photo lar. I wanna take photo with Whiskers lar. Then at the show she was like "Ei ei... Take his photo lar. Take lar !! He is here in front d. Take for Mama lar" "Ei ei... Take his photo lar. Take now!! " Me: **Snap snap snap.... ( Apa lagi boleh buat?) At one point, she and my aunty took my camera and try to snap some themselves. ( Aii, me not doing a good job). But, tak tau operate. Aii.. Apa nak buat ? I take back the camera lor.. So end up with 120 photos just of the opera show that night. Aiii.. Fanatic aunty fans...
Then, even more geng is every 45 mins she will nudge me and say: "Very handsome hoh he... Aiyooo...Handsome or not him, ah Ming ??" What can I say ? I nodded only lor so I can avoid argument with the avid fan. I wanted to say.. Ding Fan is UNCLE lar.. Ini lar hancem..
Ini pun satu lagi HANCEM.. But NOT Ding Fan.
ok. It's my mom. So to give face, I told her after the show. Ding Fan is a HANDSOME UNCLE. Fair right ? Anyway, I am very happy that my mom now has a hobby or something that she enjoys. That will fill up her time.. make her happy.. and something she looks forward to. My dad would be happy too. :) Oh yeah... I went for the Chinese opera show-one night only. Very cultural hoh me.. Anyway, I think costs RM 160.00 per seat that night.. My mom bought the front seats.. See how dedicated she is to Ding Fan!!! (at the make up room- up close to the stars :P ) I also don't know why I am drawn to this art. May be from young, my grandma( the V sign one) always bring me to see the Cantonese opera shows during the Hungry Ghost season ever since I was young. I actually enjoyed all the shows. My mom told me when she was having me, she always watch or listen to Chinese opera. So, that is my pre-natal education. But still I can't sing well. And out of rhythm.. hmmm..
Anyway, I do really enjoy chinese opera though I cannot understand what they are singing in between the aaaaiiiii yaaaa yaaaa.. and aaaah ahhhh..eeeee...oooo.. I just like to see how the they walk, how they turn and twist their fingers/ hand, dance and especially like when the guy kneels and roll his head--> mostly when they are framed. ( Anyway, I only like them in Cantonese dialect--> Hokkien Teowchew one I don't like. biased abit.)
Anyway, it was an experience. I thought Chinese Opera was already a dying art. It's good to see that Chinese Opera is still very popular. Though everyone is either a gong gong po po or ah yi ah pek. Aii . But, much to my plesant surprise I am not the youngest audience ler. Got some quite young one ler.. YAY!! LONG LIVE TUK TUK CHIANG !!!! |
posted by sming @ 10:35 AM  |
Monday, July 10, 2006 |
We are going to Italy next year !! |
Why ? Because World Cup results says so. :P So, Mr. You-know-who-you-are, remember ah ? No matter what you do what you buy what you eat.. You gotta save for Italy yeah.. Else next World Cup season is only Wah Lai Toi... Wah Lai Toi... Wah Lai Toi... Wah Lai Toi... YAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Haha. So who watched the match? KNS. Yesterday Bukit Bintang fireworks so loud. So sien. I cannot see the fireworks also. And cannot sleep because of it. I think it started about 1.30am and lasted almost 5 mins. Hmm....
Anyway, heard the leng chai Fabio contributed to one of the goals. Aiyoo.. So leng chai.. so bun shi.. **slurp.... Beckham teck yap lang gong lor. :)
Ok lar. I am still abit stoned coz feeling the pinch of spending the BULK of my savings on my Yat Lou Fatt... aii... |
posted by sming @ 5:33 PM  |
Friday, July 07, 2006 |
I dreamt of him again |
It's my dad. I cannot remember much but he was wearing his batik shirt. It started with me sleeping on our old carpet. The yellow old carpet that I have salivated on, spit on, spilled on over my younger years. Then suddenly, the earth moved!! My first thought ( see inside dream, got thoughts also) was.. waaaaah. earthquake !! Syiok-nya can feel the chi kek-ness finally!!! ( The last quivers I never feel anything- it has always been my regret.. :P). Second thought- aii.. don't know how many people dying in Indonesia..... Then, ah.. blur blur.. fast forward.... I saw my dad. He was sleeping on the bean bag as he usually does. I went to talk to him. Then Then hoh.. after that, we went for makan session at some restaurant. Can imagine my bf saying:" Ah Doi.. this girl ah... Dream also cannot forget food." hahahaha Anyway, I cannot remember my brothers. But my mom was there and it was this feeling that the whole family was there together. The COMPLETE family. We were laughing. Then, my dad teased me. I cannot remember what. But sometimes he does tease me in his own quiet way. He laughed at me. His face was so happy, the smile was broad. Though the face wasn't really like his- may be smiling to BIG d. Everyone was happy... then for no reason, I opened my eyes and it struck me my dad is no longer with us. I closed my eyes back trying to go back to the nice warm dream; to see him again. To see my family complete again. All 5 of us. Too late. I lost it. Then, I gotta wake to go for work d. Sien boh ? But, at least I see his happy face. It leaves a happy feeling instead of a sad one. Coz I am not crying now when I am typing this. On and off I do dream of him. It is like him coming back to visit me. Though, I know they are only dreams. But it is just a calming thought.
ANYWAY, IT IS FRIDAY !! Happy weekend!! I would be going to see my Yat lou Fatt.. :)
posted by sming @ 3:20 PM  |
We've got a new blogger in town !! |
Hey people !! Let's welcome Patrick Choy to our bloggy blog gang !!! :) Cheers boy !! Visit 'him' @ http://kcch.blogspot.com/ |
posted by sming @ 2:59 PM  |
Thursday, July 06, 2006 |
Marriage Proposals by Email ????!!!!!!! |
This morning saw the ad on my Google adsense.
Catchy right ? Yeah..for the guys- maybe the cun chick but for me- is the marriage proposal by email part.
So I mar click lar. Ooooooooh, actually it is a matrimonial service for a specific community at all over the world. I don't know how to call them. Hindus, Sikhs, Punjabis, Muslims .... May be the India Indians... ?
Can't help to notice the difference.
Normally we see is dating service. Meet new people. Get to know them. This one fast forward---> MARRIAGE service. ( I looked up matrimonial- it means something like marriage lor). First time, we hear the buzz: 'You've got MAIL!'. Second time, we hear wedding bells d.. Efficient man ! For us Chinese, when we choose a partner, Hokkien lar, Teochew lar, Hakka lar, Cantonese lar, Hainan lar, Fukchew lar..etc ... WHO cares ? Whack lar as long we like, right? I don't think Malays bother much. Ang mos lagi dun care. Here, in Malaysia, if talk about the muhibbah ones, lagi adventurous.Till some children also don't know how to explain what blood is running in them. They just say they are Malaysian lar.. Hehehe!!! But you see... these India Indians are so specific. The list goes on but I didn't screen capture all. (But the doctor quite cute, hoh?)
The family has the say!!! See. The family signed up the candidate and is going to marry her off !!! :O And, they are educated professionals ler !!! Got 'culture shock' or not?
Actually, I do know of some Malaysian Indians who are really particular of their 'sub-races'. My x is a chindian ler. First hand access to family gossips. One of the cases is that a mother actually disown her daughter because she, a Ceylonese, married a non-Ceylonese. The dad actually used his slipper to slap the girl when he found out. Man !!! Scary right ? Imagine you come home and tell your Hokkien parents, " Mom, Dad. this is my boyfriend, Ah Beng. He is Hakka." Then your dad take out his ka kiak and slap you and your mom take the broom to halau your ah Beng out of the house and lock you in your room. Pengsan. Another case. My aunty actually has a India Indian staff. One fine day, he took long leave to go back to his kampung to get married. When he came back, my aunt asked him how it goes. "Ok.. Yeaaverything is okayeaaa. Actualleeee, thareyar tuuo gurrrls who has yeaaa matching horoscope with meeaaa." "Ohhh.. So how?" "My mom chose the gurrrl she liked yeaaa." PENGSAN.
Anyway, I think these shaadi ppl are really entrepreneurial ! Anyhow, give them a clap !! Clap! Clap! Clap! |
posted by sming @ 11:50 AM  |
Wednesday, July 05, 2006 |
This is my GRANDMA |
This is my grandma. . . . . . Cute yeah. She is 95 years old this year. Born in the year of the rat, 1911. She survived World War 2. She lost few kids before. So I think I have some unknown uncles and aunties. I forgot how many. May be 2 or 3. My mom lost her dad when she was 7 years old. I think my grandma was only 40+ when she was left widowed with 5 kids, with one was not even a year old. She was uneducated. Some a88holes cheated them the rest of the money/ property. . She slogged. The children studied hard. Anyway, they are doing very well now. So, my grandma is a super survivor. haha
Anyway, she is really old now. She can't recognize the children and grandchildren sometimes. She gets mixed up who's who. Sometimes I am the daughter, sometimes I am the niece, sometimes she got it right- that was when I bought her mooncakes. :p Luckily she doesn't have any sister, else I would be her sister pulak ! It was once when my mom was preparing lunch for her. My grandma looked up at her and smiled gratefully. It was all warm and fuzzy until she said. " Waaa ah ma, lei dui ngor zhan hai hou hoh!! " "Waaa mommy, you are really nice to me hoh !"
My mom didn't know to laugh or cry then. It was really funny when my mom told me. But sometimes, looking at her, I feel sad. By prompting, she does remember me. But when there is a day if she no longer know her children, her grandchildren. What is left in her life ? Sleep, eat, sleep ? Where's the meaning in life? Would you all want to live till that old ? I remember when I was at Standard 3, we would play some stupid game. I would say I want to live till 100 years old, 1000 years old, 10,000 years old ( I told you it was stupid !).... But now, I don't know. 80+ is more than enough I think. Well, I always thought my parents would live to 80+years old. But I was wrong. I was so wrong. So, I might not live till that long too. I couldn't sleep last night. And I was having these silly thoughts. If one day, when I leave this world, I hope my mom won't be around to bear this pain. She said she rather die earlier than us-the children to go through the pain of having someone dear in her life leaving her. I know. And I understand the pain. I wouldn't want to go through it either. Please tell my family that I have lived my life as I wanted. May be not really to the fullest, but, I have no regrets in life. Except for my dad. But, I would be seeing him then d. Yeah? |
posted by sming @ 2:08 PM  |
Tuesday, July 04, 2006 |
Culling of Dogs- INHUMANE !!! |
I was down with food poisoning over the weekend and was recuperating at home yesterday so I had time to actually READ the newspaper. (Else, normally, I just "read" the comics section :P). I was shocked, sadden and angered to learn that 13 dogs were shot. And I am so darn pissed off with some stewpigs that actually SUPPORTED that devilish and inhumane act. Like this stewpig and this stewpig. I am DISGUSTED !!!!
Those actions are not justified!!.. What do you mean to be fair ? I am not siding the owner. Of coz he is wrong. BUT, to me, he is some compassionate pet lover who went overboard. Man, I can just imagine the yelping of the dogs. It is so pitiful. :(
I am glad that there are people who spoke up and condemn this cruel act. At least, there are still some sane and compassionate Malaysians. And I totally agree with them, there could have been better ways to handle to situation. Shooting the dogs should have been the last option.
To me, this is nothing different than cold-blooded MURDER.
posted by sming @ 9:37 AM  |
Saturday, July 01, 2006 |
Yat Lou FATT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
After two posts of negative stuff, let's have some positive, happy posts yeah!!! It has been few weeks but not too late to blog about it. My condo is ready and my unit number is............. **drumroll please... Tadaaaaaaa !!!
Cool leh !! When I bought it, my parcel number was B 16-3. I tot.. hey.. yat lou sang.. all the way LIVE.... still ok lar. But, when the developer sent me the mail. It states that DBKL has confirmed that my address would be B-16-8, xxxxxx,xxxx.....
All the way FATT CHOI man !!!
MUAHAHHAAHAHA !!. My fav number is 8 and I got it.. I am elated !!! I am exhilirated!! I am euphoric !! I am on CLOUD 9 !!!! ok.. I think you guys get it...:))))
Anyway, have done reporting the defects. My bf did the bulk of work 95% (clap clap clap).. Since he is from the contractor/developer/ renovation background, I think he is most qualified to do that. Thanks yeah love !! All I did was take a marker pen and marked those that I wasn't so happy with.. Like a school teacher.. hehehhe.    ( This hollow tile was found by my bf- see !! told you he is very PRO one :P)
Was not so happy.. Quite alot of defects hoh...We MUST do plaster ceiling coz we are at the top floor and it is not ceiling slabs. Ceiling boards.. And top floor is more prone to get water leaking ( the tangki on top maa). I only knew that after collecting my keys. Anyway, warn u guys. Don't repeat my mistake... But got 168.. ok laaaaaa.. Somemore it is PERIOD 8 house. See, my fengshui knowledge got improve abit.. Dun play play ah.... Later I talk to you all about flying stars.... I dun go sell chicken rice also can become fengshui si fu. I become SmingToo.. Barger, I earn BIG bucks by tell ppl where to put their aquarium then take the $$ and throw at you. ok.. gotta cut the crap.. hehehe....before I go overboard....
Today, we went to check on the condo. Wanna see how many lighting points we have and to discuss on quotation of furnishing. The guys are already fixing the defects.. :D Efficient yeah.. Happy about that. It looks better now.
Went through the quotation and stuff.. man.. all the little little things count. My tips to all: whatever you have budgeted for the renovation/ furnishing, please silently allocate more. Silently- is like you tell your contractor RM 20K but actually you have RM 30K spare.. Coz you never know.. small little little things will pop up.. and sikit sikit menjadi bukit !!! Anyway, we are still within budget.. as at today...... ** finger crossed!!!! |
posted by sming @ 10:21 PM  |